Commit 93f1bb71 authored by mengcuiguang's avatar mengcuiguang


parent 86f4f3a2
......@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ object Constant {
// 协议地址
var REGISTER_URL = BuildConfig.MainIp + "ds/register.html"//服务协议
var PRIVACY_URL = BuildConfig.MainIp + "ds/privacy.html"//隐私协议
var REGISTER_URL = BuildConfig.MainIp + "fiveworld/register.html"//服务协议
var PRIVACY_URL = BuildConfig.MainIp + "fiveworld/privacy.html"//隐私协议
// 载体
......@@ -22,21 +22,21 @@ object CsjGroMoreManager {
private val TAG =
//-------------------------广告位 start-----------------------------
private const val OUT_COMMON_INTERSTITIAL_CODE = "946809385" // 应用外 普通 插屏
private const val OUT_COMMON_NEW_INTERSTITIAL_CODE = "946847574" // 应用外 普通 新插屏(半屏)
private const val OUT_COMMON_FULL_CODE = "946809382" // 应用外 普通 新插屏(全屏)
private const val OUT_COMMON_EXPRESS_CODE = "946809388" // 应用外 普通 信息流
private const val OUT_LOCK_EXPRESS_CODE = "946809387" // 应用外 锁屏 信息流
private const val OUT_TIMER_FULL_CODE = "946809381" // 应用外 定时 新插屏(全屏)
private const val OUT_TIMER_INTERSTITIAL_CODE = "946809384" // 应用外 定时 插屏
private const val OUT_TIMER_NEW_INTERSTITIAL_CODE = "946847577" // 应用外 定时 新插屏(半屏)
private const val IN_COMMON_FULL_CODE = "946809383" // 应用内 普通 新插屏(全屏)
private const val IN_COMMON_INTERSTITIAL_CODE = "946809386" // 应用内 普通 插屏
private const val IN_COMMON_NEW_INTERSTITIAL_CODE = "946847576" // 应用内 普通 新插屏(半屏)
private const val IN_COMMON_EXPRESS_CODE = "946809389" // 应用内 普通 信息流
private const val IN_MONEY_SPLASH_CODE = "887580758" // 应用内 网赚 开屏
private const val IN_MONEY_SPLASH_AD_CODE = "887580874" // 应用内 网赚 开屏 兜底(代码位)
private const val OUT_COMMON_INTERSTITIAL_CODE = "" // 应用外 普通 插屏
private const val OUT_COMMON_NEW_INTERSTITIAL_CODE = "" // 应用外 普通 新插屏(半屏)
private const val OUT_COMMON_FULL_CODE = "" // 应用外 普通 新插屏(全屏)
private const val OUT_COMMON_EXPRESS_CODE = "" // 应用外 普通 信息流
private const val OUT_LOCK_EXPRESS_CODE = "" // 应用外 锁屏 信息流
private const val OUT_TIMER_FULL_CODE = "" // 应用外 定时 新插屏(全屏)
private const val OUT_TIMER_INTERSTITIAL_CODE = "" // 应用外 定时 插屏
private const val OUT_TIMER_NEW_INTERSTITIAL_CODE = "" // 应用外 定时 新插屏(半屏)
private const val IN_COMMON_FULL_CODE = "" // 应用内 普通 新插屏(全屏)
private const val IN_COMMON_INTERSTITIAL_CODE = "" // 应用内 普通 插屏
private const val IN_COMMON_NEW_INTERSTITIAL_CODE = "" // 应用内 普通 新插屏(半屏)
private const val IN_COMMON_EXPRESS_CODE = "" // 应用内 普通 信息流
private const val IN_MONEY_SPLASH_CODE = "" // 应用内 网赚 开屏
private const val IN_MONEY_SPLASH_AD_CODE = "" // 应用内 网赚 开屏 兜底(代码位)
//-------------------------广告位 end-----------------------------
......@@ -196,16 +196,16 @@ class IncreasespeedActivity : BaseActivity(), View.OnClickListener {
when (mIncreaseType) {
containerAnim.setBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.color_main))
iv_gif.layoutParams.width = BubbleUtils.dp2px(200)
GlideUtils.loadImageViewGif(this, R.drawable.battery, iv_gif)
// iv_gif.layoutParams.width = BubbleUtils.dp2px(200)
GlideUtils.loadImageViewGif(this, R.drawable.battery_optimize, iv_gif)
GlideUtils.loadImageViewGif(this, R.drawable.rubbish, iv_gif)
GlideUtils.loadImageViewGif(this, R.drawable.rubbish_optimize, iv_gif)
else -> {
GlideUtils.loadImageViewGif(this, R.drawable.rocket_anim, iv_gif)
GlideUtils.loadImageViewGif(this, R.drawable.rocket_optimize,iv_gif)
tv_progress.text = "正在检测后台常驻软件..."
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import java.util.*
import kotlin.random.Random
* 描述:一键加速、一键清理
* 描述:一键加速、一键清理列表
class OneCleanActivity : BaseActivity(), View.OnClickListener {
......@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ class SafeTestingActivity : BaseActivity(), View.OnClickListener {
GlideUtils.loadImageViewGif(this, R.drawable.wifi_speed, iv_gif)
} else {
GlideUtils.loadImageViewGif(this, R.drawable.safe_check, iv_gif)
GlideUtils.loadImageViewGif(this, R.drawable.safe_check_optimize, iv_gif)
NumAnimUtil.startAnim(tv_progress, 100f, (mTimerMax - 1) * STEP_Interval)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<color name="color_main">#9D97E0</color>
<color name="color_main">#4089F2</color>
<color name="white">#FFFFFF</color>
<color name="black">#000000</color>
......@@ -8,22 +8,16 @@
<!-- 项目主页string -->
<string name="bottom_tab_main">首页</string>
<!-- <string name="bottom_tab_pan">大转盘</string>-->
<string name="bottom_tab_video">视频</string>
<string name="bottom_tab_bonus">福利</string>
<string name="bottom_tab_my">个人中心</string>
<string name="app_sign">9a8d0fe8</string>
<string name="register_name">用户注册协议</string>
<string name="privacy_name">用户隐私协议</string>
<string name="slide_up_to_unlock">滑动以解锁</string>
<string name="release_to_unlock">释放以解锁</string>
<string name="dd_date_fmt">MM月dd日,E</string>
<string name="unlock_to_see_details">解锁后可查看详情</string>
<string name="charger_disconnected">充电断开</string>
<string name="charging">正在充电</string>
<string name="charging_complete">充电完成</string>
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ RELEASE_JPUSH_KEY=
......@@ -51,6 +51,6 @@ BUILD_DIRECT_DEPENDENCIES=0
# -------------
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