Commit f4d6a04f authored by 张释方's avatar 张释方

Merge branch 'dev_1.1.0' of into branch_zsf_2

parents 171f2da8 843447bb
function getZsKey() {
return getParam("gk")==null?"":getParam("gk");
function getRequestUrl(a) {
return "http://maps."+getParam("base")+".com/" + getParam("u") + ""
function getVrUrls() {
return [
"http://lh3.ggpht."+getParam("base")+".com/" + getParam("u") + "/",
"http://lh4.ggpht."+getParam("base")+".com/" + getParam("u") + "/",
"http://lh5.ggpht."+getParam("base")+".com/" + getParam("u") + "/",
"http://lh6.ggpht."+getParam("base")+".com/" + getParam("u") + "/"
function getVrUrls0(a) {
if ( getParam("ut") =='uz')
return [
"http://geo0.ggpht."+getParam("base")+".com/" + getParam("u") + "/cbk",
"http://geo1.ggpht."+getParam("base")+".com/" + getParam("u") + "/cbk",
"http://geo2.ggpht."+getParam("base")+".com/" + getParam("u") + "/cbk",
"http://geo3.ggpht."+getParam("base")+".com/" + getParam("u") + "/cbk"
var date = Date.parse(new Date()) / 1000
return ['' + date + '/' + md5(date).toUpperCase()+"/cbk"]
function getMb1U() {
return [
"http://khms0."+getParam("base")+".com/" + getParam("u") + "/kh?v=904\u0026hl=zh-CN\u0026",
"http://khms1."+getParam("base")+".com/" + getParam("u") + "/kh?v=904\u0026hl=zh-CN\u0026"
function getMb2U() {
return [
"http://khms0."+getParam("base")+".com/" + getParam("u") + "/kh?v=130\u0026hl=zh-CN\u0026",
"http://khms1."+getParam("base")+".com/" + getParam("u") + "/kh?v=130\u0026hl=zh-CN\u0026"
function wordToHex(lValue) {
let WordToHexValue = "",
WordToHexValueTemp = "",
for (lCount = 0; lCount <= 3; lCount++) {
lByte = lValue >>> lCount * 8 & 255;
WordToHexValueTemp = "0" + lByte.toString(16);
WordToHexValue = WordToHexValue + WordToHexValueTemp.substr(WordToHexValueTemp.length - 2, 2);
return WordToHexValue;
function rotateLeft(lValue, iShiftBits) {
return lValue << iShiftBits | lValue >>> 32 - iShiftBits;
function addUnsigned(lX, lY) {
let lX4, lY4, lX8, lY8, lResult;
lX8 = lX & 0x80000000;
lY8 = lY & 0x80000000;
lX4 = lX & 0x40000000;
lY4 = lY & 0x40000000;
lResult = (lX & 0x3FFFFFFF) + (lY & 0x3FFFFFFF);
if (lX4 & lY4) return lResult ^ 0x80000000 ^ lX8 ^ lY8;
if (lX4 | lY4) {
if (lResult & 0x40000000) return lResult ^ 0xC0000000 ^ lX8 ^ lY8; else return lResult ^ 0x40000000 ^ lX8 ^ lY8;
} else {
return lResult ^ lX8 ^ lY8;
function F(x, y, z) {
return x & y | ~x & z;
function G(x, y, z) {
return x & z | y & ~z;
function H(x, y, z) {
return x ^ y ^ z;
function I(x, y, z) {
return y ^ (x | ~z);
function FF(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) {
a = addUnsigned(a, addUnsigned(addUnsigned(F(b, c, d), x), ac));
return addUnsigned(rotateLeft(a, s), b);
function GG(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) {
a = addUnsigned(a, addUnsigned(addUnsigned(G(b, c, d), x), ac));
return addUnsigned(rotateLeft(a, s), b);
function HH(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) {
a = addUnsigned(a, addUnsigned(addUnsigned(H(b, c, d), x), ac));
return addUnsigned(rotateLeft(a, s), b);
function II(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) {
a = addUnsigned(a, addUnsigned(addUnsigned(I(b, c, d), x), ac));
return addUnsigned(rotateLeft(a, s), b);
function convertToWordArray(string) {
let lWordCount;
let lMessageLength = string.length;
let lNumberOfWordsTempOne = lMessageLength + 8;
let lNumberOfWordsTempTwo = (lNumberOfWordsTempOne - lNumberOfWordsTempOne % 64) / 64;
let lNumberOfWords = (lNumberOfWordsTempTwo + 1) * 16;
let lWordArray = Array(lNumberOfWords - 1);
let lBytePosition = 0;
let lByteCount = 0;
while (lByteCount < lMessageLength) {
lWordCount = (lByteCount - lByteCount % 4) / 4;
lBytePosition = lByteCount % 4 * 8;
lWordArray[lWordCount] = lWordArray[lWordCount] | string.charCodeAt(lByteCount) << lBytePosition;
lWordCount = (lByteCount - lByteCount % 4) / 4;
lBytePosition = lByteCount % 4 * 8;
lWordArray[lWordCount] = lWordArray[lWordCount] | 0x80 << lBytePosition;
lWordArray[lNumberOfWords - 2] = lMessageLength << 3;
lWordArray[lNumberOfWords - 1] = lMessageLength >>> 29;
return lWordArray;
function md5(string) {
let str = string + 'EfAvGE#aR@bC@VvdC223$xC23sWXR$vf'
let x = Array();
let k, AA, BB, CC, DD, a, b, c, d;
let S11 = 7,
S12 = 12,
S13 = 17,
S14 = 22;
let S21 = 5,
S22 = 9,
S23 = 14,
S24 = 20;
let S31 = 4,
S32 = 11,
S33 = 16,
S34 = 23;
let S41 = 6,
S42 = 10,
S43 = 15,
S44 = 21;
str = uTF8Encode(str);
x = convertToWordArray(str);
a = 0x67452301;
b = 0xEFCDAB89;
c = 0x98BADCFE;
d = 0x10325476;
for (k = 0; k < x.length; k += 16) {
AA = a;
BB = b;
CC = c;
DD = d;
a = FF(a, b, c, d, x[k + 0], S11, 0xD76AA478);
d = FF(d, a, b, c, x[k + 1], S12, 0xE8C7B756);
c = FF(c, d, a, b, x[k + 2], S13, 0x242070DB);
b = FF(b, c, d, a, x[k + 3], S14, 0xC1BDCEEE);
a = FF(a, b, c, d, x[k + 4], S11, 0xF57C0FAF);
d = FF(d, a, b, c, x[k + 5], S12, 0x4787C62A);
c = FF(c, d, a, b, x[k + 6], S13, 0xA8304613);
b = FF(b, c, d, a, x[k + 7], S14, 0xFD469501);
a = FF(a, b, c, d, x[k + 8], S11, 0x698098D8);
d = FF(d, a, b, c, x[k + 9], S12, 0x8B44F7AF);
c = FF(c, d, a, b, x[k + 10], S13, 0xFFFF5BB1);
b = FF(b, c, d, a, x[k + 11], S14, 0x895CD7BE);
a = FF(a, b, c, d, x[k + 12], S11, 0x6B901122);
d = FF(d, a, b, c, x[k + 13], S12, 0xFD987193);
c = FF(c, d, a, b, x[k + 14], S13, 0xA679438E);
b = FF(b, c, d, a, x[k + 15], S14, 0x49B40821);
a = GG(a, b, c, d, x[k + 1], S21, 0xF61E2562);
d = GG(d, a, b, c, x[k + 6], S22, 0xC040B340);
c = GG(c, d, a, b, x[k + 11], S23, 0x265E5A51);
b = GG(b, c, d, a, x[k + 0], S24, 0xE9B6C7AA);
a = GG(a, b, c, d, x[k + 5], S21, 0xD62F105D);
d = GG(d, a, b, c, x[k + 10], S22, 0x2441453);
c = GG(c, d, a, b, x[k + 15], S23, 0xD8A1E681);
b = GG(b, c, d, a, x[k + 4], S24, 0xE7D3FBC8);
a = GG(a, b, c, d, x[k + 9], S21, 0x21E1CDE6);
d = GG(d, a, b, c, x[k + 14], S22, 0xC33707D6);
c = GG(c, d, a, b, x[k + 3], S23, 0xF4D50D87);
b = GG(b, c, d, a, x[k + 8], S24, 0x455A14ED);
a = GG(a, b, c, d, x[k + 13], S21, 0xA9E3E905);
d = GG(d, a, b, c, x[k + 2], S22, 0xFCEFA3F8);
c = GG(c, d, a, b, x[k + 7], S23, 0x676F02D9);
b = GG(b, c, d, a, x[k + 12], S24, 0x8D2A4C8A);
a = HH(a, b, c, d, x[k + 5], S31, 0xFFFA3942);
d = HH(d, a, b, c, x[k + 8], S32, 0x8771F681);
c = HH(c, d, a, b, x[k + 11], S33, 0x6D9D6122);
b = HH(b, c, d, a, x[k + 14], S34, 0xFDE5380C);
a = HH(a, b, c, d, x[k + 1], S31, 0xA4BEEA44);
d = HH(d, a, b, c, x[k + 4], S32, 0x4BDECFA9);
c = HH(c, d, a, b, x[k + 7], S33, 0xF6BB4B60);
b = HH(b, c, d, a, x[k + 10], S34, 0xBEBFBC70);
a = HH(a, b, c, d, x[k + 13], S31, 0x289B7EC6);
d = HH(d, a, b, c, x[k + 0], S32, 0xEAA127FA);
c = HH(c, d, a, b, x[k + 3], S33, 0xD4EF3085);
b = HH(b, c, d, a, x[k + 6], S34, 0x4881D05);
a = HH(a, b, c, d, x[k + 9], S31, 0xD9D4D039);
d = HH(d, a, b, c, x[k + 12], S32, 0xE6DB99E5);
c = HH(c, d, a, b, x[k + 15], S33, 0x1FA27CF8);
b = HH(b, c, d, a, x[k + 2], S34, 0xC4AC5665);
a = II(a, b, c, d, x[k + 0], S41, 0xF4292244);
d = II(d, a, b, c, x[k + 7], S42, 0x432AFF97);
c = II(c, d, a, b, x[k + 14], S43, 0xAB9423A7);
b = II(b, c, d, a, x[k + 5], S44, 0xFC93A039);
a = II(a, b, c, d, x[k + 12], S41, 0x655B59C3);
d = II(d, a, b, c, x[k + 3], S42, 0x8F0CCC92);
c = II(c, d, a, b, x[k + 10], S43, 0xFFEFF47D);
b = II(b, c, d, a, x[k + 1], S44, 0x85845DD1);
a = II(a, b, c, d, x[k + 8], S41, 0x6FA87E4F);
d = II(d, a, b, c, x[k + 15], S42, 0xFE2CE6E0);
c = II(c, d, a, b, x[k + 6], S43, 0xA3014314);
b = II(b, c, d, a, x[k + 13], S44, 0x4E0811A1);
a = II(a, b, c, d, x[k + 4], S41, 0xF7537E82);
d = II(d, a, b, c, x[k + 11], S42, 0xBD3AF235);
c = II(c, d, a, b, x[k + 2], S43, 0x2AD7D2BB);
b = II(b, c, d, a, x[k + 9], S44, 0xEB86D391);
a = addUnsigned(a, AA);
b = addUnsigned(b, BB);
c = addUnsigned(c, CC);
d = addUnsigned(d, DD);
let tempValue = wordToHex(a) + wordToHex(b) + wordToHex(c) + wordToHex(d);
return tempValue.toLowerCase();
function uTF8Encode(string) {
string = string.replace(/\x0d\x0a/g, "\x0a");
let output = "";
for (let n = 0; n < string.length; n++) {
let c = string.charCodeAt(n);
if (c < 128) {
output += String.fromCharCode(c);
} else if (c > 127 && c < 2048) {
output += String.fromCharCode(c >> 6 | 192);
output += String.fromCharCode(c & 63 | 128);
} else {
output += String.fromCharCode(c >> 12 | 224);
output += String.fromCharCode(c >> 6 & 63 | 128);
output += String.fromCharCode(c & 63 | 128);
return output;
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ ...@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
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<script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" src="./common/url.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" src="./zhs/url.js"></script>
<script> <script>
document.write('<script type="text/javascript"' + document.write('<script type="text/javascript"' +
...@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ ...@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
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...@@ -114,16 +114,6 @@ function needPay() { ...@@ -114,16 +114,6 @@ function needPay() {
} }
} }
function needPayPopup() {
try {
} catch (e) {
// console.log("tips", msg)
//alert("app未弹框==>" + msg + e)
function tips(msg) { function tips(msg) {
try { try {
doAppFun("tips", msg); doAppFun("tips", msg);
...@@ -182,10 +172,16 @@ connectWebViewJavascriptBridge(function (bridge) { ...@@ -182,10 +172,16 @@ connectWebViewJavascriptBridge(function (bridge) {
bridge.registerHandler("initZsMap", function (data, responseCallback) { bridge.registerHandler("initZsMap", function (data, responseCallback) {
data = JSON.parse(data) data = JSON.parse(data)
vm.initZsMap(data); vm.initZsMap(data,false);
responseCallback(getVmMsg("suc:initZsMap")); responseCallback(getVmMsg("suc:initZsMap"));
}); });
bridge.registerHandler("beginInitZsMap", function (data, responseCallback) {
data = JSON.parse(data)
bridge.registerHandler("addZoom", function (data, responseCallback) { bridge.registerHandler("addZoom", function (data, responseCallback) {
vm.addZoom(); vm.addZoom();
responseCallback(getVmMsg("suc:addZoom")); responseCallback(getVmMsg("suc:addZoom"));
...@@ -200,8 +196,7 @@ connectWebViewJavascriptBridge(function (bridge) { ...@@ -200,8 +196,7 @@ connectWebViewJavascriptBridge(function (bridge) {
responseCallback(getVmMsg("suc:changeVrButton")); responseCallback(getVmMsg("suc:changeVrButton"));
}); });
bridge.registerHandler("showScenics", function (data, responseCallback) { bridge.registerHandler("showScenics", function (data, responseCallback) {
data = JSON.parse(data) vm.doShowScenics();
responseCallback(getVmMsg("suc:showScenics")); responseCallback(getVmMsg("suc:showScenics"));
}); });
...@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ var vm = new Vue({ ...@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ var vm = new Vue({
markes: [], markes: [],
pxValue: 50, pxValue: 50,
gdcenter: null, gdcenter: null,
vipLevel: 16, vipLevel: 11,
notVipLevels: [8, 9, 10] notVipLevels: [1, 11, 14]
}, },
created: function () { created: function () {
...@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ var vm = new Vue({ ...@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ var vm = new Vue({
vrs: function () { vrs: function () {
var th = this; var th = this;
if(this.isVip==false){ if (this.isVip == false) {
this.needPay('p'); this.needPay();
return; return;
} }
if (th.canclick) { if (th.canclick) {
...@@ -82,29 +82,25 @@ var vm = new Vue({ ...@@ -82,29 +82,25 @@ var vm = new Vue({
}, },
doCloseScenics: function () { doCloseScenics: function () {
vm.showScenics = false; vm.showScenics = false;
for (i in vm.markes) { for (i in vm.markes) {
vm.markes[i].setMap(null); vm.markes[i].setVisible(false);
} }
// vm.markes = [];
// vm.scenics = [];
}, },
doShowScenics: function (list) { doShowScenics: function () {
this.showScenics = true; this.showScenics = true;
if (vm.markes.length == 0) { if (vm.markes.length == 0) {
this.scenics = list;
this.makeSenics(); this.makeSenics();
} else { } else {
for (i in vm.markes) { for (i in vm.markes) {
vm.markes[i].setMap(G_MAP); vm.markes[i].setVisible(true);
} }
} }
// G_MAP.setZoom(10)
}, },
makeSenics: function () { makeSenics: function () {
for (i in vm.scenics) { for (i in vm.scenics) {
// if (i > 33)
// break;
const image = "./common/sm.png"; const image = "./common/sm.png";
var msg = vm.scenics[i]; var msg = vm.scenics[i];
var position = { var position = {
...@@ -114,8 +110,9 @@ var vm = new Vue({ ...@@ -114,8 +110,9 @@ var vm = new Vue({
const marker = new google.maps.Marker({ const marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: position, position: position,
icon: image,//msg.img, icon: image,//msg.img,
animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP, // animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP,
optimized: false, optimized: true,
map: G_MAP, map: G_MAP,
label: { label: {
text:, text:,
...@@ -125,28 +122,29 @@ var vm = new Vue({ ...@@ -125,28 +122,29 @@ var vm = new Vue({
fontSize: "13px", fontSize: "13px",
fontWeight: '500' fontWeight: '500'
}, },
title: msg.bvid, title: msg.bvid,
}) })
marker.addListener("click", (ss) => { marker.addListener("click", (ss) => {
if(this.isVip==false){ if (this.isVip == false) {
this.needPay('p'); this.needPay();
return; return;
} }
params = vm.getSeLabel(marker.getTitle()); params = vm.getSeLabel(marker.getTitle());
if (params != null) { if (params != null) {
console.log(params); // console.log(params);
openScenicsFrame(params); openScenicsFrame(params);
G_MAP.setCenter({ G_MAP.panTo({
lat:, lat: parseFloat(,
lng: params.lng lng: parseFloat(params.lng)
}) })
} }
}); });
vm.markes.push(marker); vm.markes.push(marker);
} }
}, },
changeToVip:function(){ changeToVip: function () {
this.isVip=true; this.isVip = true;
}, },
getSeLabel: function (bvid) { getSeLabel: function (bvid) {
for (i in this.scenics) { for (i in this.scenics) {
...@@ -155,15 +153,24 @@ var vm = new Vue({ ...@@ -155,15 +153,24 @@ var vm = new Vue({
} }
return null; return null;
}, },
beginInitZsMap: function (inMsg) {
initZsMap: function (inMsg) { var th = this;
th.mapType = inMsg.mapType;
th.showVrButton = inMsg.showVrButton == 1;
th.showScenics = inMsg.showScenics == 1;
th.scenics = inMsg.scenics;
th.isVip = == 1;
th.initZsMap(inMsg, true);
initZsMap: function (inMsg, init) {
var th = this; var th = this;
th.isVip = == 1;
if ( == 0 || inMsg.lng == 0 || if ( == 0 || inMsg.lng == 0 || == '0' || inMsg.lng == '0') { == '0' || inMsg.lng == '0') { = 39.90960456049752; = 39.90960456049752;
inMsg.lng = 116.3972282409668; inMsg.lng = 116.3972282409668;
} }
th.isVip = == 1;
var point = { var point = {
lat: parseFloat(, lat: parseFloat(,
lng: parseFloat(inMsg.lng) lng: parseFloat(inMsg.lng)
...@@ -171,18 +178,18 @@ var vm = new Vue({ ...@@ -171,18 +178,18 @@ var vm = new Vue({
if (inMsg.inner == null) { if (inMsg.inner == null) {
toGPoint(point, function (r) { toGPoint(point, function (r) {
console.log("定位 》》》toGooglePoint", r) console.log("定位 》》》toGooglePoint", r)
th.G_initMap(r, th.getLevel()); th.G_initMap(r, th.getLevel(), init);
}) })
} else { } else {
if (inMsg.inner == 0 || inMsg == '0') { if (inMsg.inner == 0 || inMsg == '0') {
toGPoint(point, function (r) { toGPoint(point, function (r) {
console.log("国内 》》》toGooglePoint", r) console.log("国内 》》》toGooglePoint", r)
th.G_initMap(r, th.getLevel()); th.G_initMap(r, th.getLevel(), init);
}) })
} else { } else {
console.log("国外 》》》toGooglePoint", point) console.log("国外 》》》toGooglePoint", point)
th.G_initMap(point, th.getLevel()); th.G_initMap(point, th.getLevel(), init);
} }
} }
...@@ -208,7 +215,7 @@ var vm = new Vue({ ...@@ -208,7 +215,7 @@ var vm = new Vue({
}, },
reduceZoom: function () { reduceZoom: function () {
var zoom = G_MAP.getZoom(); var zoom = G_MAP.getZoom();
if (zoom == 0) { if (zoom == 2) {
tip("已缩放至最小级别") tip("已缩放至最小级别")
return; return;
} }
...@@ -220,7 +227,7 @@ var vm = new Vue({ ...@@ -220,7 +227,7 @@ var vm = new Vue({
checkZoom: function (zoom) { checkZoom: function (zoom) {
if (zoom == undefined || zoom == null) if (zoom == undefined || zoom == null)
zoom = G_MAP.getZoom(); zoom = G_MAP.getZoom();
console.log(zoom) //console.log(zoom)
if (zoom < vm.notVipLevels[0]) { if (zoom < vm.notVipLevels[0]) {
G_MAP.setZoom(vm.notVipLevels[0]); G_MAP.setZoom(vm.notVipLevels[0]);
this.needPay(); this.needPay();
...@@ -232,16 +239,11 @@ var vm = new Vue({ ...@@ -232,16 +239,11 @@ var vm = new Vue({
return; return;
} }
}, },
needPay:function(d){ needPay: function () {
console.log("<<请开启会员") // console.log("<<请开启会员")
needPay(); needPay();
}, },
G_initMap: function (point, zoomLevel) { G_initMap: function (point, zoomLevel, init) {
if (zoomLevel == undefined || zoomLevel == null) if (zoomLevel == undefined || zoomLevel == null)
zoomLevel = 15; zoomLevel = 15;
var th = this; var th = this;
...@@ -254,8 +256,8 @@ var vm = new Vue({ ...@@ -254,8 +256,8 @@ var vm = new Vue({
center: point, center: point,
mapTypeId: vm.mapType, //"satellite",//hybrid, mapTypeId: vm.mapType, //"satellite",//hybrid,
zoomControl: false, zoomControl: false,
// maxZoom:21, // maxZoom:20,
// minZoom:2, minZoom: 2,
mapTypeControl: false, mapTypeControl: false,
scaleControl: false, scaleControl: false,
streetViewControl: false, streetViewControl: false,
...@@ -280,6 +282,7 @@ var vm = new Vue({ ...@@ -280,6 +282,7 @@ var vm = new Vue({
var lat = G_MAP.getCenter().lat(); var lat = G_MAP.getCenter().lat();
var zoomLevel = G_MAP.getZoom(); var zoomLevel = G_MAP.getZoom();
vm.mapScale = getScaleInfos(zoomLevel, lat, vm); vm.mapScale = getScaleInfos(zoomLevel, lat, vm);
// console.log(G_MAP.getZoom())
if (vm.isVip) if (vm.isVip)
return; return;
...@@ -289,16 +292,38 @@ var vm = new Vue({ ...@@ -289,16 +292,38 @@ var vm = new Vue({
}); });
// G_MAP.addListener("dragend", () => { // G_MAP.addListener("dragend", () => {
// centerChanged(); // });
// });
document.addEventListener("touchstart", function (e) { document.addEventListener("touchstart", function (e) {
// console.log(e.touches);
centerChanged(); centerChanged();
}, false); }, false);
if (init) {//初始化
new google.maps.Marker({
position: point,
map: G_MAP,
icon: "./common/p.png",//msg.img,
// animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP,
optimized: true,
map: G_MAP,
label: {
text: "i am here",
className: "zsmaker",
// fontFamily: "Material Icons",
color: "#ffffff",
fontSize: "13px",
fontWeight: '500'
if (vm.showScenics)
} } &&; &&;
} else { } else {
...@@ -316,10 +341,15 @@ window.onload = function () { ...@@ -316,10 +341,15 @@ window.onload = function () {
} }
function init() { function init() {
vm.initZsMap({"lng": 0, "lat": 0, "vip": 0,"inner":1}) vm.beginInitZsMap({
"lng": 0,//经纬度
setTimeout(function () { "lat": 0,//经纬度
vm.doShowScenics([ "inner": 1,//国内国外 1国外 ,0国内
"vip": 1,//是否vip 1是vip ,0不是
mapType: "hybrid", //当前地图类型
showVrButton: 1, //是否展示街景按钮 1 展示,0 不展示
showScenics: 1, //是否展示景点推荐 1 展示 ,0 不展示
scenics: [ //景点信息 ,接口查询返回
{ {
"name": "故宫", "name": "故宫",
"img": "", "img": "",
...@@ -330,57 +360,75 @@ function init() { ...@@ -330,57 +360,75 @@ function init() {
"blat": "39.99602192441332", "blat": "39.99602192441332",
"bvid": "01002200001309200841046795L" "bvid": "01002200001309200841046795L"
} }
]); ]
}, 3000) })
setTimeout(function () {
vm.showVrButton = true;
}, 5000)
setTimeout(function () {
vm.showVrButton = false;
}, 7000)
setTimeout(function () {
vm.showVrButton = true;
}, 8000)
setTimeout(function () {
}, 6000)
setTimeout(function () {
}, 7000)
setTimeout(function () {
}, 11000)
setTimeout(function () {
}, 13000)
setTimeout(function () {
}, 15000)
setTimeout(function () { // th.mapType = inMsg.mapType;
vm.doShowScenics([ // th.showVrButton = inMsg.showVrButton;
{ // th.showScenics = inMsg.showScenics;
"name": "故宫", // setTimeout(function () {
"img": "", // vm.doShowScenics([
"desc": "北京故宫呀", // {
"lng": "116.313355", // "name": "故宫",
"lat": "39.983856", // "img": "",
"blng": "116.32222419295384", // "desc": "北京故宫呀",
"blat": "39.99602192441332", // "lng": "116.313355",
"bvid": "01002200001309200841046795L" // "lat": "39.983856",
} // "blng": "116.32222419295384",
]); // "blat": "39.99602192441332",
}, 9000) // "bvid": "01002200001309200841046795L"
// }
// ]);
// }, 3000)
// setTimeout(function () {
// vm.showVrButton = true;
// }, 5000)
// setTimeout(function () {
// vm.showVrButton = false;
// }, 7000)
// setTimeout(function () {
// vm.showVrButton = true;
// }, 8000)
// setTimeout(function () {
// vm.doCloseScenics();
// }, 6000)
// setTimeout(function () {
// G_MAP.setMapTypeId('roadmap');
// }, 7000)
// setTimeout(function () {
// G_MAP.setMapTypeId('terrain');
// }, 11000)
// setTimeout(function () {
// G_MAP.setMapTypeId('satellite');
// }, 13000)
// setTimeout(function () {
// G_MAP.setMapTypeId('hybrid');
// }, 15000)
// setTimeout(function () {
// vm.doShowScenics([
// {
// "name": "故宫",
// "img": "",
// "desc": "北京故宫呀",
// "lng": "116.313355",
// "lat": "39.983856",
// "blng": "116.32222419295384",
// "blat": "39.99602192441332",
// "bvid": "01002200001309200841046795L"
// }
// ]);
// }, 9000)
} }
...@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ ...@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
} }
.scale-size { .scale-size {
margin: 5px 1px 0 1.5px; margin: 5px 1px 0 1.5px;
width: 50px;
height: 1px; height: 1px;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 1px 2px #fff; box-shadow: 0px 0px 1px 2px #fff;
background: #000; background: #000;
...@@ -79,6 +80,10 @@ ...@@ -79,6 +80,10 @@
#map .gmnoprint { #map .gmnoprint {
display: none !important; display: none !important;
} }
margin-top: 25px;
[v-cloak] {display: none;} [v-cloak] {display: none;}
...@@ -96,7 +101,7 @@ ...@@ -96,7 +101,7 @@
</div> </div>
<div id="scale"> <div id="scale">
<div class="left-side"></div> <div class="left-side"></div>
<div class="scale-size" id="scaleSize" :style="'width:'+pxValue+'px'"></div> <div class="scale-size" id="scaleSize" ></div>
<div class="right-side"></div> <div class="right-side"></div>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
...@@ -106,27 +111,26 @@ ...@@ -106,27 +111,26 @@
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...@@ -47,6 +47,14 @@ public class GPS { ...@@ -47,6 +47,14 @@ public class GPS {
this.lng = lng; this.lng = lng;
} }
public int getInner() {
return inner;
public void setInner(int inner) {
this.inner = inner;
public String toString() { public String toString() {
return "lat:" + lat + "," + "lng:" + lng+"," + "inner:" + inner; return "lat:" + lat + "," + "lng:" + lng+"," + "inner:" + inner;
} }
...@@ -8,4 +8,8 @@ class InitMapBean { ...@@ -8,4 +8,8 @@ class InitMapBean {
var lng: Double = 0.0 var lng: Double = 0.0
var vip: Int? = 0//0 非vip 1 vip var vip: Int? = 0//0 非vip 1 vip
var inner: Int? = 0// 0国内 ,1国外 var inner: Int? = 0// 0国内 ,1国外
var mapType:String?=null//当前地图类型
var showVrButton: Int? = 0 //是否展示街景按钮 1 展示,0 不展示
var showScenics: Int? = 0 //是否展示景点推荐 1 展示 ,0 不展示
var scenics:List<HotViewBean.Dataslist>?=null//景点信息 ,接口查询返回
} }
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class GoogleMapFragment() : BaseFragment<ActivityGoogleMapBinding, HomeViewModel ...@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class GoogleMapFragment() : BaseFragment<ActivityGoogleMapBinding, HomeViewModel
jsToAndroid() jsToAndroid()
binding.imageLocationIcon.setOnClickListener { binding.imageLocationIcon.setOnClickListener {
initZsMap() loadPosition()
} }
RxUtils.onMultiClick(binding.stbBgSearch) { RxUtils.onMultiClick(binding.stbBgSearch) {
SearchMapActivity.startSearchMapActivity(this) SearchMapActivity.startSearchMapActivity(this)
...@@ -124,11 +124,10 @@ class GoogleMapFragment() : BaseFragment<ActivityGoogleMapBinding, HomeViewModel ...@@ -124,11 +124,10 @@ class GoogleMapFragment() : BaseFragment<ActivityGoogleMapBinding, HomeViewModel
this@GoogleMapFragment, object : HotViewDialog.OnHotItemClick { this@GoogleMapFragment, object : HotViewDialog.OnHotItemClick {
override fun onItemClick(position: Int, itemBean: HotViewBean.Dataslist?) { override fun onItemClick(position: Int, itemBean: HotViewBean.Dataslist?) {
itemBean?.apply { itemBean?.apply {
//todo 冯瑞雨 修改toDouble
//点击调转页面 //点击调转页面
viewModel.authorized(bvid, name) viewModel.authorized(bvid, name)
//更新当前坐标(控制js页面做回调) //更新当前坐标(控制js页面做回调)
initZsMap(lat?.toDouble(), lng?.toDouble()) loadPosition(lat?.toDouble(), lng?.toDouble())
} }
} }
}).init().show() }).init().show()
...@@ -192,7 +191,7 @@ class GoogleMapFragment() : BaseFragment<ActivityGoogleMapBinding, HomeViewModel ...@@ -192,7 +191,7 @@ class GoogleMapFragment() : BaseFragment<ActivityGoogleMapBinding, HomeViewModel
} }
//加载完成 //加载完成
binding.webview.registerHandler("allIsOk") { _, _ -> binding.webview.registerHandler("allIsOk") { _, _ ->
initZsMap() viewModel.getviewrecommend()
} }
//android->js 景点推荐 弹出景点弹框 //android->js 景点推荐 弹出景点弹框
binding.webview.registerHandler("openScenicsFrame") { data, _ -> binding.webview.registerHandler("openScenicsFrame") { data, _ ->
...@@ -242,8 +241,9 @@ class GoogleMapFragment() : BaseFragment<ActivityGoogleMapBinding, HomeViewModel ...@@ -242,8 +241,9 @@ class GoogleMapFragment() : BaseFragment<ActivityGoogleMapBinding, HomeViewModel
/** /**
* 调用JS * 调用JS
* 定位
*/ */
private fun initZsMap(lat: Double? = null, lng: Double? = null, inner: Int = 0) { private fun loadPosition(lat: Double? = null, lng: Double? = null, inner: Int = 0) {
val initMapBean = InitMapBean() val initMapBean = InitMapBean() = lat ?: = lat ?:
initMapBean.lng = lng ?: gps.lng initMapBean.lng = lng ?: gps.lng
...@@ -261,6 +261,32 @@ class GoogleMapFragment() : BaseFragment<ActivityGoogleMapBinding, HomeViewModel ...@@ -261,6 +261,32 @@ class GoogleMapFragment() : BaseFragment<ActivityGoogleMapBinding, HomeViewModel
) { ) {
} }
} }
* 调用JS
* 第一次加载
private fun beginInitZsMap(lat: Double? = null, lng: Double? = null,
inner: Int = 0,bean: HotViewBean?=null) {
val initMapBean = InitMapBean() = lat ?:
initMapBean.lng = lng ?: gps.lng
if (UserManager.INSTANCE.getVipFlag()) {
//vip = 1
} else {
//非vip = 0
initMapBean.inner = inner
initMapBean.mapType = "hybrid"
initMapBean.showVrButton = 1
initMapBean.showScenics = 0
initMapBean.scenics = bean?.list
"beginInitZsMap", Gson().toJson(initMapBean)
) {
/** /**
* 开关街景按钮 * 开关街景按钮
...@@ -380,10 +406,12 @@ class GoogleMapFragment() : BaseFragment<ActivityGoogleMapBinding, HomeViewModel ...@@ -380,10 +406,12 @@ class GoogleMapFragment() : BaseFragment<ActivityGoogleMapBinding, HomeViewModel
) )
} }
}) })
//搜索页面回调参数, Observer {, Observer {
initZsMap(, it.lng) loadPosition(, it.lng,it.inner)
binding.scrollLayout.toggle(ScrollLayout.STATUS_CLOSE) binding.scrollLayout.toggle(ScrollLayout.STATUS_CLOSE)
}) })
viewModel.mapStyleSortBean.observe(this, Observer { viewModel.mapStyleSortBean.observe(this, Observer {
it?.apply { it?.apply {
dialogMapStyle = DialogMapStyle(context!!, it, dialogMapStyle = DialogMapStyle(context!!, it,
...@@ -416,7 +444,7 @@ class GoogleMapFragment() : BaseFragment<ActivityGoogleMapBinding, HomeViewModel ...@@ -416,7 +444,7 @@ class GoogleMapFragment() : BaseFragment<ActivityGoogleMapBinding, HomeViewModel
}) })
viewModel.viewRecommed.observe(this, Observer { viewModel.viewRecommed.observe(this, Observer {
it?.apply { it?.apply {
openScenics(this) beginInitZsMap(, gps.lng,bean = this)
} }
}) })
} }
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