Commit 608b937b authored by mengcuiguang's avatar mengcuiguang


parent 7ff96ca2
......@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ android {
dependencies {
......@@ -226,3 +227,5 @@ dependencies {
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.ext:junit:1.1.3'
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core:3.4.0'
......@@ -99,25 +99,25 @@ object LocalVedioManager {
isPlayNext: Boolean = false,
isThirdId: Boolean = false
) {
if (data?.createType == 1) {
// if (data?.createType == 1) {
val bundle = Bundle()
bundle.putString(Constant.VEDIO_BEAN, JsonUtil.toJson(data))
bundle.putBoolean(Constant.VEDIO_NEXT, isPlayNext)
bundle.putBoolean(Constant.VEDIO_THIRD, isThirdId)
readyGo(activity,, bundle)
} else if (data?.createType == 3) {
val bundle = Bundle()
bundle.putString(Constant.VEDIO_BEAN, JsonUtil.toJson(data))
readyGo(activity,, bundle)
} else {
requestDrama(activity, data)
if (!UserManager.getInstance().vipFlag) {
// } else if (data?.createType == 3) {
// //推荐短剧
// val bundle = Bundle()
// bundle.putString(Constant.VEDIO_BEAN, JsonUtil.toJson(data))
// readyGo(activity,, bundle)
// } else {
// requestDrama(activity, data)
// }
// if (!UserManager.getInstance().vipFlag) {
// ExpressManager.instance.preLoadAd()
// }
// 请求穿山甲数据
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