Commit 7a58b068 authored by mengcuiguang2's avatar mengcuiguang2


parent ad42b3de
......@@ -193,12 +193,12 @@ class VipActivity : BaseActivity(), VipView, View.OnClickListener,
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(bean.remarks)) {
if (bean.remarks.contains(";")) {
val tempRemarks = bean.remarks.split(";")
tv_vip_hint.text = tempRemarks[1]
} else {
tv_vip_hint.text = ""
// if (bean.remarks.contains(";")) {
// val tempRemarks = bean.remarks.split(";")
// tv_vip_hint.text = tempRemarks[1]
// } else {
// }
tv_vip_hint.text = bean.remarks
tv_vip_hint.visibility = View.VISIBLE
} else {
tv_vip_hint.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
......@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ class MyFragment : LazyLoadBaseFragment(), MyView, View.OnClickListener {
tv_my_status.text = "有效期: 永久有效"
} else {
tv_my_status.text =
"到期时间 ${TimeRender.formatDate(consumer.expireTime, TimeRender.ALL_FORMAT_LINE)}"
"到期时间 ${TimeRender.formatDate(consumer.expireTime, TimeRender.DEFAULT_FORMAT)}"
} else {
tv_my_vip.text = "开通VIP会员"
......@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
android:textSize="18sp" />
android:textSize="20sp" />
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