Commit 1c535af0 authored by mengcuiguang's avatar mengcuiguang


parent 9bd26828
......@@ -246,12 +246,18 @@
extraData: wxData.params,
success(res) {
console.log("wxSign suc=", res);
// 成功跳转到签约小程序
that.queryOrderStatus(largeType, wxData.tidStr);
if (res.return_code == 'SUCCESS') {
console.log("wxSign suc1111");
// 成功跳转到签约小程序
that.queryOrderStatus(largeType, wxData.tidStr);
} else {
// 签约失败
console.log("wxSign fail22222");
fail(res) {
// 未成功跳转到签约小程序
console.log("wxSign fail=", res);
console.log("wxSign fail=3333", res);
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