Unverified Commit f6964d17 authored by bryandlee's avatar bryandlee Committed by GitHub

Docs: Add `:main` branch pointing in hub usage

parent 468ca2d3
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ python test.py --input_dir [image_folder_path] --device [cpu/cuda]
<img src="./samples/compare/2.jpg" width="960"> &nbsp;
<img src="./samples/compare/3.jpg" width="960"> &nbsp;
**Note:** Training code not included / Tested on RTX3090 + PyTorch1.7.1 / Results from converted weights slightly different due to the [bilinear upsample issue](https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/10604)
**Note:** Training code not included / Results from converted weights slightly different due to the [bilinear upsample issue](https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/10604)
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ out = model(img_tensor)
You can load with various configs (more details in [the torch docs](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/hub.html)):
model = torch.hub.load(
pretrained=True, # or give URL to a pretrained model
device="cuda", # or "cpu" if you don't have a GPU
......@@ -115,10 +115,10 @@ model = torch.hub.load(
Currently, the following `pretrained` shorthands are available:
model = torch.hub.load("bryandlee/animegan2-pytorch", "generator", pretrained="celeba_distill")
model = torch.hub.load("bryandlee/animegan2-pytorch", "generator", pretrained="face_paint_512_v1")
model = torch.hub.load("bryandlee/animegan2-pytorch", "generator", pretrained="face_paint_512_v2")
model = torch.hub.load("bryandlee/animegan2-pytorch", "generator", pretrained="paprika")
model = torch.hub.load("bryandlee/animegan2-pytorch:main", "generator", pretrained="celeba_distill")
model = torch.hub.load("bryandlee/animegan2-pytorch:main", "generator", pretrained="face_paint_512_v1")
model = torch.hub.load("bryandlee/animegan2-pytorch:main", "generator", pretrained="face_paint_512_v2")
model = torch.hub.load("bryandlee/animegan2-pytorch:main", "generator", pretrained="paprika")
You can also load the `face2paint` util function. First, install dependencies:
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ pip install torchvision Pillow numpy
Then, import the function using `torch.hub`:
face2paint = torch.hub.load(
'bryandlee/animegan2-pytorch', 'face2paint',
'bryandlee/animegan2-pytorch:main', 'face2paint',
size=512, device="cpu"
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